Recently on a trip to Pune I happened to chat with my co-passenger. He was 4 years younger to me and already married for 2 years. Which means he married at the age of 25. He was doing his MBA from SPJain and the discussion veered around how costly ISB was. 27 Lacs, or something like that. His opinion was that at that rate one could get a 1BHK. I sneered at the suggestion but quickly corrected myself, asking if he was talking about Pune or bombay. At 27 Lacs, you would be lucky to own a bathroom in a far flung suburb of bombay. Nevertheless, he asked me if I was married. I said no, but I own a flat which I bought in 2007 in Kandivali, a decent and not so far suburb of bombay. Obviously at today's rate, the flat (or for that matter any decent flat in bombay ) was absolutely beyond his reach. So that brought us to a very interesting point - he had a wife but no (owned) house. I had an ownership house but no partner (ownership here refers to being an emi slave to a financial institution of course)
It raised a very philosophical question indeed - what is more important to have early in life - a good life partner or a good house ? As time progresses, there will still be females to choose from. But will there be affordable houses left? Is a human less precious than real estate?
You can wait for the ladki, but if you wait for the makaan, will you have enough kapda left on you ?
Episode 2045 Scott Adams: Silicon Valley Bank Prediction, Trump Dominance,
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1 year ago