Monday, November 23, 2009

Capitalizing on Death!

There seems to be no better money puller than death itself. Why else is everyone capitalizing on the anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks?. From newspapers to reality shows, 26/11 is being plastered all across our consciousness again and again. Interviews are being held, special guests are being called on shows, reports of bravery and valour are being thrown at us and as usual celebrities have come together to show their solidarity against the terror attacks. It is as if, if you are not talking 26/11 then you are not doing the IN thing (I do realise how ironic this is but the constant media blast has got the better of me).
Have we learnt anything from 26/11/2008?. Dare I ask, will we ever learn anything? There are two things that we will keep doing forever. First, we will keep repeating mistakes and let others walk all over us (It makes me sick in the guts when R R patil, who downplayed this whole incidence as a small thing in a big city, is our home minister again!! ). Second, we will always scrape the healed wounds of others and infest them like parasites - all for our convenience. Thankfully I did not have any friend of relative who died in the attacks but I cannot even begin to imagine what must be happening to those bereaved families by watching all the "26/11 anniversary" bull crap being shown all over.

But I would like to take this to a level beyond 26/11. We are generally incompetent at dealing with all types of disaters - natural or manmade. And the general public is just as much at fault as the government. Take the case of the recent swine flu pandemic. Its all subdued now, but if it were to resurface, I am sure exactly the same thing will repeat itself. And this will again give the media full chance to capitalize on death.

It is just so pathetic and yet true. Nothing sells like death does.


  1. I read your excerpt again today morning and could not stop myself from adding few lines to what you wrote.
    What more you can expect from the people who have a habit of celebrating days and anniversaries for no reason
    whatsoever and without a sentiment or knowledge of the matter.
    Its insensitive and demeaning to the whole incident. It’s as if, these people wait for such events to happen
    to make the most of it and fill their pockets.
    And I hate that word 'Mumbai spirit and how its coping with any disasters, wow great and what not! …. That's utter nonsense!

    In a country called as democratic and there's no value of life and forget about life but no justice
    to the victims even after a whole year has passed. What more could you expect?

    The culprits should be brought at CST and given a torturous death(something more than torturous) in from of masses of Mumbai.
    That would be an apt remembrance of the people who died and gave up on their lives
    rather than this absolute nonsense: anniversary stuff.

  2. Hmm..well i dont know if giving them a torturous death in front of everyone is going to make any difference. More than anything else, it could even go against us. The terrorists who did this are not afraid of death. By publicly shaming them, we will only provide fodder for their brain washing activities to get the next generation of terrorists ready. If these were regular criminals then a publicly executed sentence can send out the right message (its done in the emirates, but then again, does it eliminate criminal behaviour ?). For those who are not afraid of death, punishment is not the right solution. The solution lies in fortyfying our selves. If our defenses are strong no bloody idiot will be able to do any harm.

  3. By fortyfying our selves, I guess you are trying to say implementing the defense than building it.

    And I agree with that.

    We have a defense system which is 3rd largest in the world. we have a defense budget which is 10th largest..
    and our rank is 14 in the defense exporters (Ref : wiki)
    and we still want to bank on the defense and put all the concentration on what is already too much concentrated upon?

    The solution to this problem, is not easy and straight-forward as the problem itself is not straight-forward.
    This problem is a product of number of other problems. These problems are recursive and grow exponential too.

    Its all deep rooted and I don't want to sound completely hopeless here but to handle such a problem not just building a strong
    defense would help.

    May be more than making the defenses strong, there's need to make it more executable and applicable.
    What’s the use of an army sitting at it's base and not able to reach the problem area when required.
    And in whose hands it is to execute it. To implant the defense at a granular level.
    Who makes the defense system move? to come in action? My intension is not to point to certain group.
    But there's a need to make the so called leaders aware of the cost of life of every single person in this country.
    From where will that realization come? Who will make them realize the importance of human it a millionaire sitting
    at Oberoi or a poor chap travelling in the local.

    All this seems it might take more than 200 years to achieve what we want to see. (Not sounding hopeless here again)
    But it does.
    Because from 1993 - 2009, not much has happened. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Giving a torturous death to the culprits would not solve any problem. completely agree.
    But we are neither doing anything for the victims nor saving the remaining citizens from becoming 'victims'.
    At least by giving a torturous death to the culprits in front of the victims might help in sustaining their faith in the system.
